
Oh darling why can’t you be mine?
I see you all the time
And every day you touch me like an angel
I want you so bad I damn myself to hell
Don’t make me clarify myself

Why can’t I take my own advice?
Even when I know I’m right
I can’t seem to help myself from falling into lies
I need you in ways I can’t even hope to recognize
But you make me start to fantasize
Oh yes you do darling
Oh darling bury me alive

Cuz baby you’re a goldmine
And you make me so happy sometimes
But you know I’ll rob you of your wealth
And you know, you don’t have to break out
Just because the door’s on fire
And I’ve taken all I needed for myself
Left you an empty shelf
I took just what I needed for myself

So come on darling, show yourself to me
And lift me with your fingers from this well
If only my soul and senses could agree
You’d make me clarify myself

Cuz baby you’re a goldmine
And you make me so happy sometimes
But you know I’ll rob you of your wealth
And you know, you don’t have to break out
Just because the door’s on fire
And I’ve taken all I needed for myself
Left you an empty shelf
I took just what I needed for myself